Issue #77 - MathsLinks Newsletter - resources for maths teachers
The Maths at Home page is a single page of key resources for learning at home.
Found something good for learning at home? Drop me a line.

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A great start to your maths lesson, even at home...
There's also a version for Stage 1 (Year 1 focus).
Tools for learning...
Rolling dice for home or classroom use.

Place value dice for teen to 6-digit numbers.
And a non-standard partitioning version.

A manual random number generator, great for number of the day with K-2.

Make 100 with two dice and the four operations.

Sum to 12 with one dice.

Remote teaching
A directory videos for the NSW Mathematics Syllabuses.

The Maths at Home page is a single page of key resources for learning at home.

NSW Stage 6

ME-V1 and MEX-M1 - Applications of Calculus - Mechanics added.

Your colleagues can subscribe to this newsletter here

Have you made an original resource for maths teaching that you could share? The simplest resource may be just the thing another teacher was looking for. Share on MathsFaculty.