Issue #11 sees Stage 6 Mathematics syllabuses released in NSW and changes to the NAPLAN numeracy tests. For readers outside of Australia there are some jumping frogs and Dr Seuss :) And for all maths teachers, an excellent article by Catherine Attard.
One for the primary teachers. Celebrate Dr. Seuss with this Google Slides sorting activity for One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. As this uses Venn diagrams, it might also be a quirky activity for a Stage 4 (Years 7/8) class.
NESA have released the Mathematics Standard and Life Skills Stage 6 syllabuses (for implementation in 2018). Further consultation is being conducted on the Mathematics Advanced, Mathematics Extension 1 and Mathematics Extension 2 Stage 6 Final Draft Syllabuses from 21 February – 14 March 2017.
ACARA have announced changes to NAPLAN 2017 Numeracy test for Years 7 and 9. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority gives some more detail. In NSW, NESA news notes the reduction in the number of questions. Check out the Principal's guide that has probably been delivered to your school.
What are the ingredients for a great mathematics lessons? Catherine Attard presents the important ingredients when planning and teaching a successful mathematics lesson. Great advice for primary and secondary teachers.
Have you made an original resource for maths teaching that you could share? The simplest resource may be just the thing another teacher was looking for. Share on MathsFaculty.