Issue #83 - MathsLinks Newsletter - resources for maths teachers
The first newsletter of 2021 includes original resources from teachers like you. 

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A great idea and a bunch of ready-to-go activities. The activity can be adjusted to any age, any topic & any ability level.
4 terms of 8 weekly homework Challenges (includes answers for most) - use them any way you want for many other groups.
A set of 40 investigations into different types of numbers - Narcissistic, Kaprekan, Keith, Betrothed, Bell, Proth and many more. Each investigation explains something about the number being investigated & then sets a challenge for the students.

Given relevant dimensions (but not formulae) students find surface area and volume of famous buildings including Australia, France, Germany, USA, Brazil to name a few.

A two part GeoGebra exploration of the area of the curve under a function (step by step details for teacher demonstration or student exploration), followed by a simplified version of a proof of the FTC, designed for *intuitive* understanding.
Excel file that can generate unique report comments based on students A-E grades.
Includes a guide for use and YouTube video.
An introduction to binomial distributions.

An introduction to probability density functions.

Your colleagues can subscribe to this newsletter here

Have you made an original resource for maths teaching that you could share? The simplest resource may be just the thing another teacher was looking for. Share on MathsFaculty.